Sunday, January 17, 2010

I think a change (a change) would do me good!

I'm getting my shit together! That's right. I am going for some big changes in me and my life. For starters, I joined Weight Watchers (down 2.6 pounds as of Friday). I am tired of being asked if I'm pregnant. I want to be healthy and at a good weight. And, I need help doing it! I needed a support system and rules in place and someone to answer to, so Weight Watchers (WW) was a perfect choice for me! I even went as far as to create a new blog for my journey, if you are interested in reading it.

In addition to WW, I have also joined Fly Lady. If you haven't heard about it, it's fantastic! She gives you small ways to de-clutter and clean up your house. For instance: this month's new habit is to "shine your sink". Meaning, before you go to bed, you clear your sink from any dishes (either wash them by hand or load and run the dishwasher), you clean out your sink, and make it sparkle, then you get out a clean dish cloth and dish towel to have ready for the next day. It's an amazing thing! I love waking up to a clean sink! Besides the shine your sink habit, there are many other things to help too. She has a program called "baby steps" where each day you add 1 tiny little thing to your daily routine to help things run smoothly. (I'm doing baby steps a little differently, by going at my own pace. I have added just 2 things to my daily grime, but I plan to add a little more, possibly this week)

And finally, my last change...and this is just a possible change, I'm doing some job hunting. Keep your fingers crossed! Anyway, I think some changes will do me good! I'm excited to embark on some new adventures!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with all of your new endeavors! It really does feel good to make changes in your life for the better! I feel like a new woman these days! And, I know you will too! What kind of job are you looking for?
